Today was a great day.
I know I sound a bit like a Dear Diary entry but humor me for a moment of happy reflection. I slept in until a blissful 9:30, had some coffee and then played desperate housewife by tidying up the house while singing along to every word Michael Jackson was singing. Small confession: I might have broken into dance during "PYT." Alright alright, so then I went shopping, and if you know me, you know I count shopping as simple cardio. So never fear, I covered plenty of ground and acquired the perfect over-the-shoulder bag that I have been looking all over Nashville for, and a few other items that weren't necessarily necessities but hey, it's spring break. On my warm weather and excellent shopping trip high, I went to see my favorite nanny and baby M at the park. I watched all the sweet families and their adorable kiddos frolicking around the park in the sunshine and perfect 72 degree weather and could not be anything other than superbly happy. Oh, and baby M loves guacamole. Have you ever heard of a baby who eats guacamole? I mean, I was scared of avocados for the longest!
Blah blah blah.
Fast forward to tonight.
I cooked for a certain boy, who henceforth shall be referred to as N, and I must admit I was a bit on the nervous side. Sure, I am semi-confident in my cooking skills, but I always have this fear that I will either a.) burn whatever it is I am cooking, thus deeming the meal inedible OR b.) cook a less than impressive meal that we both just end up pretending to enjoy. And let's be honest, every girl wants to show that she can be domestic and cook a solid meal. Ex: The one and only time I cooked for Alaska I tried to get fancy with the mac-n-cheese and somehow ended up with crunchy noodles and rubbery cheese. We both suffered through a few bites before I released him of his manly duty to pretend to like my cooking experiment. He then proceeded to go on a 10-minute diatribe about how much better his mom makes it and what I should have done so it would be "like they do in Alaska." THAT should have been when I told him to go ahead and go back to Alaska with his mom. Ah, hindsight. ANYWAYS, Trader Joes and I really came together and pulled out a lovely Asian-inspired meal, complete with vanilla ice cream and fresh berries for dessert! I felt both domestic and accomplished, and stuffed! From this day forward I solemnly swear to be more confident in my cooking abilities, and to keep cooking. Valid goal.
Also, N brought over 28 spanking-new copies of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" - I've been wanting to have a class set so I can teach a book my 8th graders are actually asking to read, and it was no sooner that I had told him of this little dream of mine that he had ordered 28 copies from his true love, Amazon. I'm staring at the box full of books and I cannot stop smiling. Such a sweet and selfless act. He's pretty wonderful. And the best part? My kids are going to flip!
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