So this year I decided to gracefully bow out of the whole family Easter bit and took a small road trip out of Nashville with two wonderfully hilarious guys and an overnight bag. Sunday we all woke up with plenty of time for coffee and a sentimental stop at the local Hardees, and then we were in the car making the gorgeous drive to a sweet little church miles away from everything. To cut to the chase, we ended up missing the church service completely thanks to some confusion in start time. After we lost our S for a moment - we were in our Easter best and had driven down to experience Easter service there - we resolved to spend the day outside, which proved to be a spiritual experience of its own.
We made the short drive to the buffalo river and walked down to the water. There we were, the three of us, I in my cotton sundress and the two of them in their pressed khakis, looking out at this perfect creation. I didn't say much. I was taking in every moment of every thing. Taking off my wedges and tip-toeing into the water. Watching the three of us look like a J.Crew ad, wading in the river fully clothed in our church clothes. Laughing at him as he threatened to throw me in, smiling at me like he meant it.
It was perfect.
From there we went to a waterfall in natchez trace - I seriously felt like I was on the most excellent grown-up field trip. I didn't even complain when I was slipping and sliding in my rainbows nor did I worry when I was anything but ladylike while climbing around to get closer to the waterfall. Sure, I might have gotten mud all over me and yes, my legs were sore the next day, but for that afternoon, everything was calm.
We rode back to Nashville with the windows down and the radio off.
I soaked the whole picture up from the passenger side.
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