Hello my name is Katie and I have been a very negligent blogger as of late. I attribute my brief absence to activities including but not limited to editing chapters 1-4 of my book, half-watching and 100% making fun of the dopey Bachelor finale and driving to Alabama on a weeknight to see Jack. Hey, we are all busy and fall short. Which leads me to this profound thought: spring weather is nice.
Spring in this part of the country means perfect temperatures free of that humidity we come to hate by early June - days filled with puffy clouds and plenty of sunshine. Music sounds better with the windows rolled down. Every food group tastes better whilst enjoyed on a patio or deck, and honestly, I've already forgotten what it was like to not be able to feel my face as I walked to, well, anywhere. The con of this storybook weather is that it will soon transform into a stifling summer and we will undoubtedly curse the sun as we are unable to function without a pool or handheld fan. So in honor of living in the moment and simply because my brain thinks in lists, here are some perfect activities to enjoy during this time of atmospheric awesomeness:
1. Go to the park. Contrary to popular belief you do not have to have a dog or a child to enjoy a nice outing to the park. Take a blanket, a beverage and reading material. Company optional.
2. Go run. Outside. Stop saying you're not a runner and go! Just don't run on a main road like some of the hardcore marathon-training "I run at 9 pm on Woodmont wearing all black" runners do. It's poor form and it's dangerous.
3. Buy tickets to a summer music festival. It's a win/win situation. You buy tickets in advance and they're typically cheaper, and you're guaranteed a ticket... AND you trick your brain into getting excited about being at an outdoor music festival in the summer heat. Case in point, Bonnaroo. We bought our tickets weeks ago and my brain is envisioning listening to Aziz be hilarious on a sunny, 72 degree spring day. I'm sure it will be closer to 102 degrees but don't tell my brain that just yet.
4. Eat outside. I can think of about 35 places within a fifteen mile radius that offer outdoor seating so no excuses.
5. Dress for the occasion. Put up the blah black and winter sweaters. Keep it light and add some color! Boys, you too. Seersucker allowed.
Happy Spring! Here's to freckles and plenty of buttercups. xoxo.