Jack White.
It's no secret that I suffer from a mild case of severe admiration for the man. He plays the best guitar and manages to turn out excellent music with each band that he cultivates. He's mysterious enough to keep people (and the press) curious while leading a pretty simple life, which includes being a dad and a Nashvillian. Yes, I mourned a small bit for the official break-up of your favorite and mine, The White Stripes, but I fell in love all over again when the Raconteurs played a sold-out show at the Ryman last fall.
Jack has done it all, but this spring we're going to see a first: a solo album. Recorded in its entirety at Third Man, "Blunderbuss" is set to release in late April, which cannot come soon enough. Thankfully he went ahead and released a single, "Love Interruption," today via JackWhiteIII and hits iTunes later tonight.
As for comments on the solo project, Jack kept his thoughts to two sentences: "I've put off making records under my own name for a long time, but these songs feel like they could only be presented under my name. These songs were written from scratch, had nothing to do with anyone or anything else but my own expression, my own colors on my own canvas."
Here's hoping that he plays the Ryman. and Bonnaroo.
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