Thursday, December 22, 2011
all kenny wants for christmas.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
tis the season!

Saturday, December 17, 2011
these guys.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
this too shall pass, right?

Now, ladies and gentlemen, we've all been there at one time or another. He broke your heart, she left you for some other dope. He couldn't see himself marrying her, she couldn't trust him. So what do you do when it's done? How do you get happy despite the crickets between the two of you? Well, take 24-48 hours, cry if you'd like, get the favorite food of your choice and indulge. Let yourself go. Then, get up and focus. Now I am by no means an expert, but I am a quick study and always appreciate a good list. So here are some "DO's" and "DON'Ts" of the humble beginnings of moving past that relationship.
DON'T listen to sad/sentimental music. For me, this includes, but is not limited to, the following: The Avett Brothers, Trampled by Turtles, Adele (in my opinion, no one should be listening to Adele unless actively taking Zoloft), or the first half of the White Stripes' Under Great White Northern Lights. Also, by no means should you listen to Mumford & Sons, unless you want a good cry, then by all means, skip the mascara and put "white blank page" on repeat.
DO keep busy, preferably with activities of a positive nature that do not lead to drunk texting. Keep busy, whether that means cleaning, cooking, baking, being nice, spending loads of money on stuff you don't need, writing a letter, writing a blog or becoming your very own Taylor Swift.
DON'T get a haircut. I cannot tell you how many girls (and guys) I have seen make this tragic mistake. Go into the salon whilst stressed over a relationship and you'll most likely leave looking like Nick Nolte.
DO sleep. If you can't, take something. Melatonin is a favorite in my circle. Bloodshot eyes are not flattering and only cause friends and co-workers to stare at you awkwardly and then ask questions like "Rough night?" or "Feeling okay there, Champ?" If you do find yourself in that position, don't roll your eyes and yell profanities at them like you may want to...just smile and drink your coffee.
DO treat yo'self. Go shopping. See a movie. Get your nails did. Finally cash in on that massage you got last birthday. Watch the game with your pants off. Call in sick and just do nothing.
And now, I leave you with some wise words from Mimi, my grandmother who thought she knew everything...and she probably did.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
An Open Letter to All "Twilight" Fans.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
What I'm Thankful For.

So put your thanksgiving pants on and get ready to embrace the holiday. And don't hold back on the stuffing and watching football all day on the couch - shopping on Black Friday will serve as your cardio.
Monday, November 14, 2011
martha marcy may marlene.

"Martha Marcy May Marlene" tells the story of a naturally gorgeous twenty something who suffers from anxiety and extreme paranoia after fleeing from an abusive cult. To say she has major issues is an understatement - she was brainwashed, after all, and struggles with separating delusion from reality. Her sister, Lucy, and her husband with an accent take her in, trying desperately to help her be "normal" despite her awkward and sometimes violent behavior. Flashbacks tell the horror of what she escaped, nitty gritty and all, but even those seem to morph with the present in such a seamless way that you find yourself unsure of what is really going on with Marcy May.
Now here's the biggest shock of all...Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen's little sister, Elizabeth, gives a stellar performance as Marcy May. That's right, someone in the Olsen family has the ability to wear real clothes and show emotion. I bet it's weird for Mary Kate & Ashley having a sister with actual talent. You feel? Eh, well for the first time an Olsen might just win herself an Oscar.
All in all, it's a disturbing and haunting film that leaves you with an ache in the pit of your stomach and an overwhelming sense that you just witnessed something great. Sure, it's a little unnerving and no, there's no cookie cutter resolution, but it is definitely worth the $7.50. And for those of you who need further justification, Entertainment Weekly gave it a B+, which is basically an A+ in my book.
Grab someone nice and go see it.
Monday, November 7, 2011
to the old country!
This past weekend I was in my lovely friend Beth's wedding. She and I have been at bff status since college, we immediately bonded from preacher's kid syndrome and general sarcascm, so I was very excited to stand on that top step beside her as she made it official with Mr. Chandler. Unlike most weddings, where the bridesmaids are more like hired hands to finish up all last minute details while wearing David's Bridal, this was all about spending time with each other, see also: laughing and generally having fun. Shocking, right?! We did all the typical pre-wedding bridesmaid activites; i.e. getting the nails did, bridal brunch hosted by her mom, painting pottery for the newleyweds while eating cake in the shape of a corset, and semi-embarrassing the bride with plenty of questionable lingerie. Past that, there was a lot of story telling and laughing until it literally hurt - a sign of good friends having the best time together.
Great weekend, great friends, lots of laughing, and lots and lots of love.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
― Steve Martin, Shopgirl"How is it possible to miss a woman whom you kept at a distance, so that when she was gone you would not miss her?”
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
blue sky and the devil.

And yesterday's news
Just give me something
That I can use…"
P.S. 903 just got a little more awesome…we now have a record player.
Monday, October 10, 2011
the Business.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Turning 25 makes me think back to when I turned 16. I wore seersucker and I distinctly remember telling my best girlfriend at the post-party sleepover that I couldn't wait to turn 25 because that's when you become established. Who knows what episode of "Saved by the Bell" I got that from, but I was convinced of the inevitable transformation that would occur on this particular year. Truth: I am not at all the girl I was at 16. I've grown taller and hopefully smarter, been on my own, loved and lost people I will always adore, and had my fair share of mini-breakdowns and moments of pure happiness. Now here I am at 25. I'm somehow allowed to (attempt to) shape young minds every day, and while yes, sometimes I want to yell mean things and run away from the creatures called 8th graders, I am thankful for the opportunity and welcome the challenge. I have solid friends who keep life oh so interesting, and no, I do not need the anti-aging cream just yet. Oh, and I can now rent a car. I'm pretty neutral on my level of excitement on that one, but hey, it is a perk that comes with this age.
So here's to being 25. Turn up the music and roll the windows down.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
she's got the medicine that everybody wants.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011
"You hell on boys, let's see how you do with a man."
Fact: I have started writing 4 or 5 different “books” in the past 4 or 5 years. I’ll get this idea in my head for an excellent piece of (at the least) chick lit, I’ll write and write, and then the inevitable happens….I get too caught up in juggling real life and end up with a couple questionable chapters of an undeveloped story. These half finished works of mine are, embarrassingly enough, mostly about a girl falling in love and living happily ever after with the prince charming of her choosing, and I cannot believe I am admitting that I, too, more than once, fell trap to the fluff. However, I don’t want to write clichés any longer. After all, it isn’t always rainbows and butterflies, right? We aren’t always supremely happy, we don’t always have the best relationship with our parents and not all stories end with the protagonist lucky in love and making bank.
I just finished reading “Provinces of Night” by William Gay, a Southern Gothic writer who lives in Hohenwald and actually signed the copy that I was so graciously leant. His style is uncanny, writing such dialogue that you honestly feel as if you’re somehow in the book, witnessing it all right next to Boyd and Raven Lee. He writes the nitty gritty, and I can’t help but crave to emulate that somehow in a piece of my own. Sure, it’s a far cry from the pseudo romantic comedies I’ve starting writing before, but I feel like this is the time for me to actually write about real life and real relationships. Everyday is not a fairytale, and not every story ends so nicely. That’s what I love about both “Provinces” and my personal favorite, “The Long Home” – all loose ends are not tied up at the conclusion of the story, and everyone does not necessarily live happily ever after. All these black-and-white-I’ll-die-for-you-after-knowing-you-for-a-week stories can’t hold a candle to the gray, er muddy, areas that W paints in his stories that have so enthralled me this summer.
Ladies, and perhaps gentlemen, put down whatever fluff your pretending to mindlessly enjoy and pick up something with a little more grit. I strongly suggest the aforementioned as well as “Fay” by Larry Brown, a story of a less than leading lady so intriguing and perfectly told that I solemnly swore to never ever read the fluff again.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Ah, September.

This might possibly be my favorite month. I love summer, I do, more than most anything, but if the seasons must change then I will welcome September with open arms. Sure, I am not a fan of saying so long sweet summer, but this beginning month of fall ushers in many happies...
Exhibit A: College football is back, which means hello again to SEC haircuts, game day festivities and Sportscenter being a constant on your tv. Now I understand some girls tend to dread football season and all that it entails, i.e. a lack of attention from generally all males during games. However, I happen to love SEC football and all that it entails, especially when it involves good people and good beer. After all, I am a Southern girl.
Exhibit B: My birthday falls on the 18th, and while I am always excited when there is a reason for a nice little get together, I am even more excited this go around because I am turning the Big 2-5. That's right, kids, a quarter of a century. Oh the days when I thought 25 was when one became established, er, old...
Exhibit C: Jack White, in the form of The Raconteurs, at the Ryman on the 15th. Seeing Jack live at the Ryman might be the greatest thing, ever.
So here's to school supplies, cooler weather, football, birthdays, road trips, boots, the Ryman and everything in between. September, please be sweet.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
J Roddy and Turtles.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
teenage dream.

On the first day, I decided to forgo the boring "stand and say your name and then what you did this summer" and opted for the more creative, 2 Truths and a Lie. The name of the game is to try and trick your classmates, blurring the line between the truth and lies about yourself. Although I had been warned by far smarter bystanders that I should brace myself for less than appropriate responses, I was confident that this would work! And work it did, until the last period of the day. One nerdy, yet confident boy that shall go unnamed simply because I haven't learned his name yet, comes to the front to take his turn:
...AND Ms. Powell makes me feel like I'm living a teenage dream."
Needless to say I was shocked and totally weirded out, making it impossible to hold any resemblance of a stern teacher face. So I laughed, called him Katy Perry and told him to sit down. It is definitely going to be an interesting year.
I know you hate me baby, but don't break the needle.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Vegas, baby!

Sunday, July 24, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
An Ode to Carrie Bradshaw.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
SEC, Drugs and Unmentionables.
Monday, June 27, 2011
please (don't) accept this rose.

Monday, June 20, 2011
ooh la la la la la la la
Monday, June 13, 2011
Oh my mother.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
a lady should be well-read.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
something right.
Insert Metro Schools and 160 unruly 8th graders. It is no secret that this is my first year teaching. I have made several rookie mistakes and there have been days when I about lost my S on a student - that time I told a kid to tuck his shirt in and he called me a whore, or that time when I confronted a girl about her "F List" she had created and she told me flatly, "I will probably only do half of them"... that's enough, you see the trend. Honestly, the stories continue to shock me and I've been here all year. Anyways, so through all of this I have had the responsibility of actually teaching them something, including how to write a proper essay, on which they were given a huge assessment earlier this year. I taught them everything I knew, as well as I knew how and prayed for the best. I got the writing scores back this week and about lost it when I saw the numbers. It was a miracle, that's all I kept thinking as I looked at all the 4's and 5's (6 is the highest) next to all the names of my kids. Turns out, my kids have some of the highest scores in the district, and I shan't bore you with statistics but let me tell you, they are nothing short of a miracle. Just when I was wondering if I had made any impact on these kids, I realize that I did something right. My kids are just excited because I'm making cookies tomorrow.
Now insert a certain boy that has become apart of my recent, well and not so recent, life. It is a fact that timing is everything, and after communication and miscommunication we're just us, and it's just fine. Some people just have that hold on you, and you can't fight the feeling anymore. You're welcome for that classic rock reference. At the end of the day what's important is that you treat people well, that you love people for who they are and how you are when you're with them. For the lack of a better phrase, he's my brandy alexander. Sometimes a girl has to accept the surprises as they come and just roll with it. That's what keeps life interesting, right?
Oh, and I had my first spray tan experience yesterday. The tan lines are surprising, but wow, that's another conversation for another day.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Stripper pole?
Now being a 20-something girl I of course want to be summer ready, so I decided to mix it up a bit in the fitness department and try Pure Barre. Inital reactions from the males in my life have included - "What kind of bar is this?" and "Stripper pole class?" and even an encouraging, "The pole can be tough." I have to admit, after taking out a small loan to pay for the 30 day unlimited package and special socks ($13 to be exact), I was pretty nervous to actually attend a class. Afterall, I had to buy special socks just to step in the studio.
So yesterday I went into the class with determination to dominate - I believe my exact wording was "Let's rock this B" - so I was feeling pretty good for the first 8 minutes or so during warm-ups and arms. I was keeping up with Kat Von D in front, my toes were pointed as they should be, and I was one with the small ball that I had to keep placed tightly between my inner thighs. Yes, I said inner thighs, and yes, I counted it a major accomplishment that I didn't let that sucker loose at all during class one! Next thing I knew it was time to do leg and bun work on the barre. Now I was initially excited to reconnect with my childhood ballerina self, sans pink tutu, but I quickly changed my tune when I could no longer feel anything other than every muscle in my body shaking from fatigue. After some stretches one could only relate to tantric sex, the class was over. I was exhausted.
Today I can barely feel my arms and have suddenly become acutely aware of every back muscle I possess. I kind of love it. A love/hate relationship this may be, pure barre and I. It's 30 days - anything can happen.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Oh boo.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
easter and us.

We made the short drive to the buffalo river and walked down to the water. There we were, the three of us, I in my cotton sundress and the two of them in their pressed khakis, looking out at this perfect creation. I didn't say much. I was taking in every moment of every thing. Taking off my wedges and tip-toeing into the water. Watching the three of us look like a J.Crew ad, wading in the river fully clothed in our church clothes. Laughing at him as he threatened to throw me in, smiling at me like he meant it.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
paint in hair.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
eat, sleep, repeat.
Can you lie next to her
And give her your heart, your heart
As well as your body
And can you lie next to her
And confess your love, your love
As well as your folly
And can you kneel before the king
And say I'm clean, I'm clean
But tell me now, where was my fault
In loving you with my whole heart
But tell me now, where was my fault
In loving you with my whole heart
A white blank page and a swelling rage, rage
You did not think when you sent me to the brink, the brink
You desired my attention but denied my affections, my affections
Lead me to the truth and I will follow you with my whole life
Lead me to the truth and I will follow you with my whole life
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
I guess every superhero need his theme music
A.) Small road trips are the greatest. Everyone is always rushing, some of us speeding, to get to the next place - I'm not talking about that. I'm referring to the times when your plans change and you find yourself happily in the passenger seat loving the ride. He knew I was sleepy so he asked to drive me back to Nashville, and I couldn't even pretend to object. A few days later he drove me back to get my car, cue another road trip, and I was even more excited for our next adventure. There's just something about being in a car with a boy who makes you smile. Especially one that sings along to Kanye with you. Which brings me to my next point....
B.) Say what you will about Mr. West, but he really knows how to make a great album. Sure, he has more ridiculous lyrics than poignant thoughts - see also: "_______ we rollin', with some light skinned girls and some Kelly Rowland's" - BUT he's genius in his own right. I don't want to go all Rolling Stone on you, but "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" transcends rap and is actual music. I've even started subconsciously dropping lyrics into everyday conversation, something that in the past has only been reserved for White Stripes lyrics - slowly turning into you being the most common. I would also like it to be known that I purchased this album not once, but twice, which if you know me you know is an occasion since I tend to "borrow" songs before I commit to purchasing the full album. (However, I am changing my ways and have not "borrowed" in months, thank you Amazon and positive peer pressure.)
C.) I was asked to speak at my alma mater for communication day, an event where all the PR/Comm/Journalism majors are invited to listen to working professionals give advice, an event that I helped plan while I was a PR major. Holy run-on sentence. Any who, I'm not dwelling on the event itself - that was fine. What was noteworthy and altogether surreal was the feeling I had while I was back on campus...seeing old professors and reuniting with some people I really do respect and love. It made me so thankful for that time in my life, and even more aware of how blessed I am to have such wonderful people in my life now. It's crazy to think that a few years ago I was with different friends, dating different guys and worrying about how many chapel skips I had. I feel so blessed that I am where I am, with who I'm with, doing what I love and on my own adventure. Hope that wasn't too sappy.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
space cadet.
But honestly, I have really been embracing this lately, lack of sleep and adventures included. Of course a semi-large part of this has to do with a certain someone that I love going on adventures with, whether it be early in the morning in a little town - which I still find amazing since as I said earlier, I am not a morning person - or late on a school night. Let's be honest, I wouldn't just randomly go drink a milkshake at a B- fast food chain for breakfast all by myself, I'm just not that creative. But I did, we did, and it was such a perfect morning. And why go to sleep when you can stay up scheming about writing books and listening to Mumford & Sons on vinyl in the dark? Or sitting in the car singing along to 80's pop songs and waiting for it to stop raining? Some of the sweetest moments happen when you should be sleeping.
Now to be completely real with you, sleep is a good thing. No, a great thing. I am by no means implying that sleep is not important or that I am somehow immune to a lack of it. Just last Saturday I took THE longest nap I have ever taken, well, since college, and I woke up feeling like a new woman. So ok, this is me encouraging you to sleep when you can, and hey, if you don't get 6 or even 4 hours, there is always concealer for the circles under your eyes and a Starbucks just around the corner. My case is this: take every opportunity to go on adventures with the wonderful people you can't seem to get enough of, and hey, it's okay to be a little irrational sometimes. It happens. I guarantee, no matter how sleepy you are the next day, you'll be glad you went.